in the stars [sagittarius new moon]

in the stars [sagittarius new moon]

December 14 2020 | Sun in Sagittarius | New Moon in Sagittarius [total solar eclipse]

focus on reflection and embracing this expansion

December 14: total solar eclipse in sagittarius - stay calm through all the changes

December 15: chiron goes direct - see all of your growth, be adventurous

December 17: saturn enters aquarius - big shifts and resolutions for the collective

December 20: jupiter enters aquarius - sets the tone for long term success

December 21: sun enters capricorn - jupiter conjunct aquarius - evolving thought patterns, HUGE activations, dawn of the age of aquarius

energy in the air [sagittarius new moon]

energy in the air [sagittarius new moon]

share your perspective [sagittarius new moon]

share your perspective [sagittarius new moon]