energy in the air [sagittarius new moon]
December 14 2020 • Sun in Sagittarius • New Moon in Sagittarius [total solar eclipse]
From Indigenous traditions, there are prophecies about the coming of the White Buffalo, especially among the Nakota, Lakota, and Dakota (or the "Sioux"). There's a legend that White Buffalo Calf Woman, a mystical being, came to the people when they were out of balance. She gifted them with a sacred bundle containing the White Buffalo Calf Pipe to help restore the balance. Upon leaving, the White Buffalo Calf Woman that she would return at the end of an age, and that she would reappear as a white buffalo calf. In recent times, white buffalo calves have been born, and many believe that this is the beginning of a new time. This card choosing us is an honor. It speaks to a time of miracles and balance in all things. You may be called upon to stand up for others; you don't have to do everything alone; surrender to support from the Great Spirit.
[Native Spirit Oracle Deck]